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When you upload a new version of your Quest app APK made with Unity to Meta Quest Developer Hub, you will probably hit this error. “An APK has already been uploaded with version code 1. Please update the application manifest’s version code to 2 or higher and try again.”

The solution is not obvious – it seems like you’ve set the version number at the top of the Player Settings, but that doesn’t work. You need to edit the Bundle Code in Player Settings > Other Settings – see screenshot:

Unity Bundle version code

Build your project again when you’ve updated this and you’ll be fine.

If you’re here via search and making Quest apps, you can thank me by signing up for a free account, checking out and sharing the amazingness of what we’ve made – a visual journey designer to make interactive experiences – including 360 video VR and Mixed Reality apps – much more accessible to a wider world of producers.

Ru Howe –
Chief Design and Technology Officer, Stornaway