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“We tell a story that informs, engages, and inspires”
Moonshot Inc. 

B2B video marketing agency offering creative services for live events, tradeshows and more.
Silicon Valley, California, USA

Get in touch – Nick Handley, Video Marketing Producer/Creative Director
Visit their website – Moonshot Inc.

📣 What we say about Moonshot Inc.

Nick Handley is one of those rare creative producers who is able to meet business needs with creative solutions that go above and beyond expectations – whilst remaining within budget and scope.  His understanding of the opportunities there are in interactive media is ahead of the game and we love working with him. His presentation at our Adaptive Video for Learning Summit was great and the work he was showcasing was innovative and ahead of the curve

Kate Dimbleby, Stornaway Co-Founder and CEO

✨ What Nick says about us

“I always say Murphy’s law exists in its most pure and true form when it really counts that it goes right. So you plan for things to go wrong. And I can happily say that in this particular situation, when it came to Stornaway, I had zero crashes, I had zero issues. Every time I closed out the project and I opened it back up, everything was there, how it should be.” 

Nick Handley, Creative Producer