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Interactive Video for Live Events and Exhibitions

👀 Ready to engage audiences like never before?

Put every single viewer at the centre of your live event and exhibition. Create an immersive, interactive event that will stay with your audience long after it’s over. 

♾ Immerse yourself in the moment… forever

"Give audiences agency" - a orange outline of a video game controller

Give audiences agency

Let viewers control their experience and help them feel part of the event.

Captivate and inspire - an orange outline showing a fish jumping out of the bowl

Captivate and inspire

Interactive content requires active participation. Get your audience involved and engaged.

"More memorable" a orange outline of a medal with a star on it

Make more memorable

Open the door to personalised experiences that viewers will truly remember.

🩺 Creator Story: Saving a life with Martin Percy

Does interactive video actually make a difference? Here’s Martin Percy, BAFTA and Webby Award-winning filmmaker, to provide a resounding reply:

Factual recall was 170% higher for the interactive version than the linear one.

Interactive video was 29% more effective at training first aid techniques than face-to-face training.

That’s the power of interactive, adaptive video.

*Disclaimer: the following video contains dramatised scenes of a cardiac arrest medical emergency from project Cardiac Crash: Monica, which some viewers may find distressing* 

More creator success stories

Some examples of adaptive video in action for live events and exhibitions made in

Cultural deep dive

The Illuminated Text showcases Shakespeare’s mastery of the written word across four dimensions. This allows students to study the Bard’s work in an engaging new way.

👈 Explore The Illuminated Text 

Or, discover the impact in our full case study

Virtual tour with a twist

Fort Edmonton Living History Museum used the power of interactive stories to showcase some of its impressive attractions.

Get a taste of the Endless Adventure 👉

Group educational experience

It takes a little magic to make learning fun again. BGT semi-finalist Kevin Quantum hosts a free-to-use virtual magic course for primary school children aged 7-10 to teach numeracy and literacy.

👈 Take a look at the trailer 

Or, sign up for the free course at Virtual Magic School

Trade show product demo

An interactive demo for an industrial cybersecurity conference that stole the show. CyberTheory created a gamified product demo to put audiences directly into the action.

Get the details from the Video Producer himself – Nick Handley discusses the project 👉

Or read up on the full case study: How to steal the attention of a trade show audience with adaptive media.

💡 Which live events and exhibitions will benefit most from adaptive video?

In short, every single one. Adaptive video can enhance and engage audiences from all walks of life. However, we’ve already seen massive successes for:

A faded out picture of a someone using a touch screen at a tradeshow. A blue filter on the top. Text reads: Trade shows One place you must literally ‘stand out from the crowd’. Draw people in with gamified experiences.
A woman sits in a wooden chair. A heavy yellow filter is on top. Text reads: Museums, galleries and cultural institutions Take virtual visitors through your enticing exhibition giving them both guidance and agency
A man is in front of a mountain. A heavy yellow filter is on top. Text reads: Theatremakers & Artists Immerse your audience in the story and artistry of your production
A man looks happy. Heavy blue filter on top. Text reads: In-person training Make learning fun again. Improve information recall and spark in-class discussion

🌎 Why interactive video elevates immersive experiences

Create more immersive experiences – let audiences control the experience as they would in a live, physical setting. 

Engage audiences

Interactive content has proven to be 81% more effective at keeping an audience’s attention. Make them feel part of the event.

Spark discussion

Watching interactive video as a group means sparking discussion at each decision point. Increasing the collaborative experience.

Increase recall

Knowing you need to will need to make a decision encourages viewers to pay attention, increasing brand and information recall.

👉The Stornaway difference

Why is Stornaway the best platform to create your interactive video for live events and exhibitions. Let us count the ways…

No coding required

Immersive experiences without expensive development teams. You focus on the story, we’ll take care of the tech.

Easy collaboration

Instantly playtest your story map. Share privately with your team and clients for review and feedback.

Data and analytics

Review and report on how your audiences are moving through the experience. 

Advanced level VR 

Link 3D virtual worlds, real or computer generated, and walkaround virtual reality with 360 VR.

🗣 And the proof is the pudding…

“WOW! I mean this is epic!! and the ease of use is incredible. Your innovation means I have confidence I can create a fully immersive, fully interactive, high-quality experience to engage and inform young people on some of the most intense circumstances we can find in life.” 

Steve Hutson, Young Visions

🗺 So where do we go from here? You could: