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Knowledge Zone

Getting Started

Want to make interactive videos? Dive into the knowledge base – get inspired, get support, get started.

New to Stornaway? Use our guides to help you get started on your interactive journey.

Get Started in 4 minutes! Watch our introduction video and demo to learn all about Stornaway and getting started.

Your questions, answered. Read some of our Frequently Asked Questions and troubleshooting queries.

Interactive tutorials for you. Dive into our ‘How To’ interactive videos to get you up and running.

Get stuck in with templates. Quickly jump into pre-defined projects that you can customise with your own content.

From script to screen. Discover our interactive scriptwriting tools to write non-linear script pages.

Make your video accessible! Add subtitles and captions for increased video watch time.

Engage viewers on all devices! Interactive is compatible with any device and any size – and Stornaway is too.

Play your videos automatically. With our autoplay feature, you can now hook your audience immediately.

Customisable your choices with images. Upload images or GIFs to customise your interactive experiences even further.

Place your buttons anywhere! Control where you place your choices using our drag and drop editor.

Use our Adobe Integration to unleash your interactive creativity with Adobe Express inside Stornaway!

Create content faster! Clone your Stornaway projects with or without media to save time & resources.

FAQs and tips on our publishing process and how to embed your interactive videos.

Tips and tricks for sharing your interactive projects on social media platforms.

How are people using interactivity to engage their audience?

🧙‍♂️ Use the arrows → to scroll for more interactive video use cases

Top tips to get you started making interactive videos

🧙‍♂️ Use the arrows → to scroll for more top tips!

Let's go back to the very beginning ... what is interactive video?

🧙‍♂️ Use the arrows → to scroll for more top tips!

Where next?

Dive into more of our blog posts, customer stories and news articles about making interactive videos and how can work for you.

When you’re ready, sign up and get started and head over to Knowledge Base: Power-Up to supercharge your videos.